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0800 247 999

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HomeServe and cookies

Cookies may seem confusing, but what they do is really quite simple. We’d like to make sure you understand what they’re used for and how they can help you whilst browsing our website. Here’s a little bit more info for you to check out.

What are cookies?

Website cookies are small files that are stored in a designated area on your device's storage. To protect your privacy, your browser will only allow websites to access cookies it has already sent to you and not cookies sent by other websites.

How does our website use cookies?

HomeServe uses ‘first party’ cookies to keep our edocs website running smoothly and help us make sure that you always get the best browsing experience.

First party cookies are used for things like remembering your preferences, like your preferred language or zoom level. They also provide data on how many visitors we get and how they found our website.

What are the main types of cookies?


Our website won’t work properly without necessary cookies. They help you move around secure areas of the website and allow you to do things like purchase cover or talk to us on Live Chat.


Functional cookies remember information like your preferred language and allow us to test new versions of our website to make sure you’re getting the best browsing experience possible. Rest assured that we can’t identify who you are from this information.


These cookies provide an overall picture on how our website is performing by collecting and reporting data anonymously, helping us improve our website and your browsing experience.


Marketing cookies tell us about browsing habits, such as what policies and products have been searched for and viewed, which helps us find and display adverts that are relevant to you. This includes advertisements on social media platforms, like Facebook or Twitter.

How to control your cookie preferences

We only use cookies that are necessary for our edocs website to function.

For more details about how we collect or use personal information, check out our Privacy Policy for further information.


Our website won’t work properly without necessary cookies. They help you move around secure areas of the website and allow you to do things like view your policy documents.

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EHOMESSIDedocs.homeserveSupport user identification and allows us to maintain the page during the user’s session.SessionHTTP Cookie

Further cookie preferences

More information on website cookies and the ways in which you can delete and control cookies on your computer is available from